Discuss Turbulence
In this new section of our website, we hope to continue and extend the discussion begun in the pages of our magazine. We will post links to select reviews and publish readers’ letters which do something to push forward the debates carried in an issue, through commentary and constructive criticism, as well as offering Turbulence authors the chance to respond.
If you would like to comment on, or respond to, any of the articles published by Turbulence, write to us at editors@turbulence.org.uk, stating clearly that what you are sending us is for publication.
Letters, Reviews and Debate
[Listed in reverse chronological order]
Radical Philosophy, Issue 169 (Sept/Oct 2011) carries a review of our What Would it Mean to Win? book. The review was written by Gavin Grindon and can be found on pages 62-63 or as a PDF here.
The Norwegian leftwing daily newspaper, Klassekampen, carried an article by Jonas Bals on September 6 2011 discussing our Issue 5 editorial Life in Limbo? at some length. We’ve uploaded a PDF of the article here. An extended version was also published on the Vagant.no website on the same day.
Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest, Volume 10, Issue 2, carries a review of our What Would it Mean to Win? book. Its on pages 214 and 216 of the journal, first published in April 2011. The review is by Bertie Russell. Subscribers to the journal can find a copy of the review here.
The multi-lingual, Luxembourg-based magazine Queesch published a review of our book What Would it Mean to Win? in their Issue 24, released in January 2011. The review was written by Katy Fox.
In January 2011, the Grand Rapids Institute for Information Democracy published a short review/endorsement of our What Would it Mean to Win? book here.
Turbulence editor, Tadzio Mueller, was interviewed about some of the issues addressed in Turbulence 5 by the Chilean website elciudadano.cl. The Spanish language interview is available here.
In the December/January 2010 issue of Red Pepper magazine, James O’Nions reviewed our book, What Would it Mean to Win? To read the review, click here (or here).
In November 2010, Groundswell published a review of our book, What Would it Mean to Win? To read the review, click here.
In the April 2010 issue of Peace News (no. 2520), Patrick Nicholson reviews Issue 5 of Turbulence, along with David MacKay‘s book Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air and cartoonist Kate Evans‘ The Carbon Supermarket. The review can be read here.
In March 2010, the German freelance leftwing journalist Peter Nowak wrote two short replies to the Turbulence 5 editorial, Life in Limbo? One, published under the title ‘Weg ins Paradies versperrt’, appeared in the daily newspaper Neues Deutschland. It can be found online here (a rough-and-ready English translation can be found here). The second appeared in the monthly analyse & kritik (no. 548), where an edited German translation of Life in Limbo? was first published in January 2010. The analyse & kritik article by Nowak carried the title ‘Vom Aktivismus zur NGO? Anmerkungen zu “Life in Limbo”‘ and can be found here (March 2010)
Discussion of Turbulence 5 editorial, ‘Life in Limbo?‘, and the possibility for the emergence of a new political middle ground [Mitte], in an article by Michael Jaeger, ‘Wo liegt die Linke Mitte‘, in the German-language weekly newspaper, Freitag (February 2010). An English translation of the article is now available here.
Commentary on Frieder Otto Wolf and Tadzio Mueller’s debate ‘Green New Deal: Dead End or Pathway Beyond Capitalism?‘ in Turbulence 5, published on the blog Constellation Defiant: Notes from the Ecology Movement here (February 2010)
Reader’s Letter from Peter Somerville on Turbulence 5 (February 2010)
Here, Sweden’s Dagens Nyheter discuss ‘Life in Limbo?‘ (January 2010)
On his Nowtopian blog, Chris Carlsson reports from the December 2009 Copenhagen climate summit protests. In the report he discusses the Turbulence editorial, Life in Limbo?. His blog post can be found here (December 2009)
Francesco Beradi, in a blog post, ‘Seattle to Copenhagen‘, draws on the argument made in ‘Life in Limbo?‘ (Turbulence 5) to discuss the UN Copenhagen Climate Conference on the freeDimensional site. He’s also briefly discussed Issue 5 on his blog, in Italian, here (December 2009)
MP3 audio file of the debate between four Turbulence editors, John Holloway, and others at the 2009 Historical Materialism Conference in London. The panel discuss the Turbulence 5 editorial, ‘Life in Limbo?‘ (November 2009)
In his paper, ‘Through a Glass Darkly: Alain Badiou’s critique of anarchism’, published in Anarchist Studies, Vol.16, No.2 (2008), Benjamin Noys discusses several of the articles included in Issue 1 of Turbulence. The paper has been republished on the slackbastard blog, here (October 2008)
Gareth Brown’s review of ‘Move into the Light: Post-script to a Turbulent 2007’ published in Issue 1 of ‘Phosphor: A Surrealist Luminescence’ (July 2008)