Turbulence workshop, May 30, Nottingham – “Rethinking the Realistic: Social Movement and Struggle in the Current Crisis”
‘How deep do the current political, economic, ecological and other crises run?’, ‘Why do the range of remedies on offer not seem fit for purpose?’, ‘What roles might recent movements – from the Arab Spring to #Occupy – play in finding ways out of this impasse?’, ‘What are the main challenges movements are confronted by, and how can they best be approached?’ These are just some of the questions Turbulence, a collective of activist-scholars, are exploring in their current research project. At this workshop – open to interested students, faculty and activists – some tentative answers will be presented for discussion.
The workshop is in four parts: ‘Nature and Causes of the Crises’; ‘Planning for the Anthropocene’; ‘Rethinking Realpolitik’; and, ‘A Politics of Problematics’. Each begins with a 15-minute input from a different member of the Turbulence collective, followed by around 35 minutes of open discussion.
Hosted by the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ) at the University of Nottingham.
Wednesday 30 May, 12.00 – 16.00.
B2, The Hemsley, University of Nottingham. (Map here.)
www.turbulence.org.uk | http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/cssgj/
