Help out
If you’re interested in helping out – or otherwise interacting – with the Turbulence project in any way, there are a few obvious possibilities. For example, we’re always looking for people who are interested in writing for future publications. The easiest way of staying in touch is by subscribing to our very low traffic e-newsletter. You will receive updates about new publications and calls for articles for upcoming projects, as well as finding out about other initiatives we’re involved with.
If you write a review of any of the articles we’ve written or published, or can offer a translation, email us here. We post links to select reviews of Turbulence articles and publications and publish readers’ letters here.
We’re also keen to find people who can help out with distribution, whether by stocking your local bookshop or linking to us from your website (our range of web-banners are here). So if you’re a book or magazine distributor, or involved with a bookshop, get in touch. We’ve produced some resources (flyers, adverts, posters, etc…) that might be useful. Anyone can also help us distribute Turbulence electronically, by befriending us on Facebook or MySpace, or following us on Twitter (and ‘retweeting’ our messages). (Update: We no longer maintain our MySpace page which currently exists only as an archive.) We’ve also installed a button in the right column on every page which allows you to share articles via a whole range of social networking tools or to subscribe to an RSS feed.
And of course, we’re always in need of donations of any size. You can make a donation via PayPal by hitting the button below. Or if you’d rather pay us direct, email us here and we’ll let you know our bank details.