Turbulence Events in San Francisco Bay Area in March
In conjunction with our publisher, PM Press, Turbulence editors will be participating in a series of events in the San Francisco Bay Area in March.
All events are taking place under the title ‘Prospects for Winning in an Age of Crisis’ and mark the launch of the Turbulence book, ‘What Would it Mean to Win?’
At each event, panelists include: Turbulence editor and author Tadzio Mueller; Turbulence author Gifford Hartman; In and Out of Crisis and Spectre editor Sasha Lilley; and Wobblies and Zapatistas author Andrej Grubacic.
2.00pm at the Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair, in the Café, SF County Fair Building, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
More info: http://sfbookfair.wordpress.com/
Map and Directions: http://sfbookfair.wordpress.com/directions-time-and-place/
7.00pm at The Green Arcade, 1680 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
More info: http://www.pmpress.org/content/calendar_event.php?eid=20100217105837804
Map and directions: http://www.thegreenarcade.com/pg/05map.html
7.30pm at Moe’s Books, 2476 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94704
More info: http://www.pmpress.org/content/calendar_event.php?eid=20100217111327107
Directions: http://www.moesbooks.com/cgi-bin/moe/location.html?id=TJeHBg6u
Turbulence editors Tadzio Mueller and Ben Trott will both be speaking at the eighth annual meeting of the Cultural Studies Association (CSA) at University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720.
Here are the details of the panel:
Thursday March 18, 2010
(ASUC Student Center, Stephens)
Chair: Stevphen Shukaitis
‘Defining the (Post)Operaist Approach: Naming its Four Primary Elements’ — Ben Trott, Freie Universitaet Berlin
‘Another capitalism is possible? The Green New Deal, postOperaismo and the Biocrisis’ — Tadzio Mueller, Independent researcher, Berlin
‘Reading and Refusing Cultures of Fear/Terror with Autonomist Feminism’ — Fiona Jeffries, Center for Place, Culture and Politics, City University of New York
‘Thinking in the Conjuncture: Between Hegemonic and PostHegemonic Strategies’ — Chris Hurl, Carleton University
The full CSA conference program is online here.
Registration required. For more information, click here.

Mobile Turbulence
We’ve just installed some software (WPtouch iPhone Theme) which should make it much easier to read Turbulence articles online direct from your phone. The software should improve readability for anyone with the following phones or devices: iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Opera Mini mobile, Palm Pre or BlackBerry Storm.
The software should provide a much more user-friendly format for readers using small devices, like mobile phones, and dramatically increase load time while doing so.
We’ll be tweaking the settings on this over the next few weeks, but any feedback is appreciated.
If you don’t like the new set up, you should be able to manually switch back to the old standard desktop version of the website in one flick of a digital image of a switch.

Google Buzz on the Turbulence Website
Last week, Google introduced a new social networking tool — Google Buzz — for Gmail users. You can learn more about how it works here. You can share Turbulence articles or news items via the new tool by clicking on the ‘Add This’ button visible on every page. It’s in the right hand column, directly above the Facebook Fan Box. The button looks like this:
Simply click on it and then on the Google Reader tab:
You’ll be taken to a page where you can post a link, with or without a comment, in Google Buzz.
We’ve also installed a one-click Google Buzz button in the News thread. You can use the tool simply by clicking on the red, blue, yellow and green speech bubble at the bottom of each News item on the right.
If you encounter any problems with the new tools, or have any ideas for improvements, email us at editors[at]turbulence.org.uk
More digital Turbulence: MySpace | Twitter | Turbulence on Facebook | E-Newletter

Coming Soon: Turbulence Book
In April 2010, we have a book, What Would it Mean to Win?, coming out with PM Press. The book contains all the articles from the now out-of-print first issue of the magazine, our collective text Move into the Light? Postscript to a Turbulence 2007, and a previously unpublished extended interview by PM Press author Sasha Lilly with Turbulence editors Michal Osterweil and Ben Trott. John Holloway has written a Foreword.
More information can be found here.
Movements become apparent as “movements” at times of acceleration and expansion. In these heady moments they have fuzzy boundaries, no membership lists–everybody is too engaged in what’s coming next, in creating the new, looking to the horizon. But movements get blocked, they slow down, they cease to move, or continue to move without considering their actual effects. When this happens, they can stifle new developments, suppress the emergence of new forms of politics; or fail to see other possible directions. Many movements just stop functioning as movements. They become those strange political groups of yesteryear, arguing about history as worlds pass by. Sometimes all it takes to get moving again is a nudge in a new direction… We think now is a good time to ask the question: What is winning? Or: What would–or could–it mean to “win?”
Contributors include: Valery Alzaga and Rodrigo Nunes, Colectivo Situaciones, Stephen Duncombe, Gustavo Esteva, The Free Association, Euclides André Mance, Michal Osterweil, Kay Summer and Harry Halpin, Ben Trott, and Nick Dyer-Witheford.
“Where is the movement today? Where is it going? Are we winning? The authors of the essays in this volume pose these and other momentous questions. There are no easy answers, but the discussion is always insightful and provocative as the writers bravely take on the challenge of charting the directions for the Left at a time of ecological crisis, economic collapse, and political disillusionment.” — Walden Bello, Executive Director of Focus on the Global South
“Turbulence presents an exciting brand of political theorising that is directed and inspired by current strategic questions for activism. This kind of innovative thinking, which emerges from the context of the movements, opens new paths for rebellion and the creation of real social alternatives.” — Michael Hardt, co-author ofCommonwealth, Multitude and Empire.
“The history of the past half-century and particularly the last decade is as easily told as a series of victories as defeats, maybe best as both. Sometimes we won–and this is what makes the What Does It Mean to Win?anthology such a powerful vision of the possible and the seldom-seen present. The authors of this book connect some of the more remarkable events of the last decade–in Oaxaca, in the banlieus of Paris, in the crises of neoliberalism–into a constellation of possibilities and demands, demands on the world but also demands on the readers, to think afresh of what is possible and what it takes to get there. As one author begins, ‘The new movements embodied and posited deliberate reactions to the practical and theoretical failures of previous political approaches on the left.’ This is the book about what came after the failures, and what’s to come” — Rebecca Solnit, author of Hope in the Dark and A Paradise Built in Hell.
Product Details
Author: Turbulence Collective
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 978-1-60486-110-5
Published: April 2010
Format: Paperback
Page Count: 160
Dimensions: 9 by 6
Subjects: Politics, Philosophy, Activism
Available for Pre-Order from: PM Press | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.de | Amazon.at | Amazon.fr | Amazon.co.jp | Borders | Barnes and Nobel | Books-A-Million |

New Discussion Feature on Website
In a new section on our website, we hope to continue and extend the discussion begun the pages of our magazine. We will post links to reviews and publish select readers’ letters, as well as offering Turbulence authors the chance to respond.
If you would like to comment on, or respond to, any of the articles published by Turbulence, write to us at editors@turbulence.org.uk, stating clearly that what you are sending us is for publication.
The new section can be found here.