Heiligendamm 2007
Mark Mühlhaus/attenzione photographers
The Turbulence collective produced a free newspaper distributed at the camps, blockades and alternative summits that made up the mobilisation against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm in June earlier this year. The theme of the 14 articles from individuals and groups from across the world tackled the difficult question of ‘What would it mean to win?’.
Here we link to various articles written about the anti-G8 mobilisation that somehow resonated with the Turbulence collective. Like Turbulence #1, they are things we think are interesting, and things that may help us to start making sense of what happened, what didn’t happen, and their more long-term meanings. Turbulence is not a free space, but we do want it to be a place to engage in difficult debates from a range of movements, perspectives and positions. If you want to suggest a piece of text (yours or something you’ve seen but written by someone else), photos or anything else you think more people should see, then email us here and we will consider putting a link.
Block G8 booklet The Block G8 campaign has just published an 84 page, full colour A4 booklet containing reflections on the mass blockades of last year’s G8 Summit at Heiligendamm. Entitled, ‘Chef, es sind zu viele…’ (or, ‘Boss, there’s too many of them…’), it contains texts on the G8, political reflections on the Block G8 coalition, an evaluation of the various methodologies it deployed (from press work, over decision making structures in huge groups, to the logistics of such an action), as well as a documentation of the various texts the campaign produced. Copies cost €3.00 (bulk discounts available). The contents page is available here. Copies can be ordered, via Avanti (www.avanti-projekt.de), Red Stuff (www.antifa-versand.de) or X-Tausandmal quer (www.x-tausendmalquer.de) For those of you who don’t read German, you can check out the English versions of Turbulence’s contribution (essentially an extract from Move into the Light?) here and one of the Turbulence editors’ texts here
And for good measure, for those of you who read German but can’t wait to get your hands on the hard copy, here are the links to the same texts, but in German.
Wo sind die Grenzen? Kapital, Krise, Klimawandel
John Holloway and Vittorio Sergi ‘Of stones and flowers’, a dialogue around the events in Rostock on 2 June
John Holloway ‘Our place, our time’, a transcript of a speech given in Rostock Harbour on 3 June
Tadzio Mueller & Kriss Sol ‘A tale of two victories? Or, why winning becomes precarious in times of absent antagonisms’
Ben Trott ‘Notes on Why it Matters that Heiligendamm Felt like Winning’
Ben Trott ‘Five Fingers Beat 16,000 G8 Cops: Are we winning again?’
David Harvie ‘Heiligendamming the G8’
Alex Foti ‘Pink, Black, Pirate: Taking stock of Rostock’
A more comprehensive collection of texts, in both German and English, are available via the Gipfelsoli website
Several collections of photos have also been published, documenting the days of action.
Avanti – Project for an undogmatic left