e-Newsletter 9

Turbulence e-Newsletter 9

1) French translation of ‘Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast’

2) Spanish translation of ‘Commonsim’

3) Turbulence Web Banners

4) Thanks for your art work!


1) French translation of ‘Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast’

A French translation of the Free Association’s article from Issue 4 of Turbulence, ‘Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast‘, is now available online here.

2) Spanish translation of ‘Commonism’

A Spanish translation of Nick Dyer-Witheford’s article, ‘Commonism’, first published in Turbulence Issue 1 is now available. It can be found online here.

Many thanks to Sebastian Touza, Matthew May, and Daviz Chavez for the translation.

As ever, further Turbulence translations can be found online here.

3) Turbulence Web Banners

A collection of Turbulence web-banners are now available to link either to the Turbulence homepage, or to specific Turbulence publications.

Please add them to your homepage, blog or MySpace site!

They can be found online here.

4) Thanks for your art work!

Thanks to all of you who sent us art work and graphics proposals for our next issue, coming out in November 2009. We’ll be in touch with you all soon.

(13 July, 2009)


www.turbulence.org.uk // www.myspace.com/turbulence_ideas4movement // www.twitter.com/turbulence_mag // editors@turbulence.org.uk

Turbulence’s Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Turbulence-Ideas-for-Movement/171769885530

To stay informed about future ‘Turbulence’ publications and projects, subscribe to our (very!) low-traffic e-newsletter here: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/turbulenceannouncementslist

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  • Who we are

    Turbulence is a journal/newspaper that we hope will become an ongoing space in which to think through, debate and articulate the political, social, economic and cultural theories of our movements, as well as the networks of diverse practices and alternatives that surround them. Read more here

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