European Social Forum, 1-4 July 2010, Istanbul
The 2010 European Social Forum (ESF) will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, from Thursday 1 – Sunday 4 July. We hope to be participating and will have news about how up on this website much closer to the time. A Turkish translation of our editorial article, ‘Life in Limbo?‘, published in Issue 5 of Turbulence, has now been completed and will be online here soon.
The international 2010 ESF website is: and a Turkish language site can be found at
The ESF process’ website is here, and it contains information about both previous European social fora, as well as the preparation of this year’s event.
Info Update (28/03/10): If you’re interested in organising activities during the Forum, you need to register either as an individual or organisation first. This needs to be done by April 10, 2010 and you can do so here.
According to the European Social Forum Facebook page, the proposed locations of the 2010 ESF are Santralistanbul (Bilgi University) and Sutluce Congress Center, which are around 3km from one another.
