Recent Web and Other Updates
Ahead of our new issue launch, planned for late November (more info soon!), we’ve added a few social networking, bookmarking and other tools to the website. In the right hand column, you’ll find a button which makes printing from the website and emailing articles much easier. The same button should allow you, in one click, to share any articles you like on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and more. There’s also a button that allows you to subscribe to a Turbulence RSS Feed. You’ll also have noticed we’ve uploaded a Facebook ‘Fan Box’ to the site, allowing you to view our recent status updates and link shares, as well as becoming a ‘Fan’ in one click. We’ll be opening a discussion forum on our Facebook page for comments, criticisms and debate about the new issue when we have it up online. We hope to see you there!
If you encounter any problems with the new tools, or have any ideas for improvements, email us at editors[at]
More digital Turbulence: MySpace | Twitter | Turbulence on Facebook | E-Newletter
