Turbulence @ Climate Camp ’09

Picture 44Turbulence will be attending the 2009 London Climate Camp, the location of which was finally revealed a couple of hours ago. The Camp, which begins today (August 26) and runs until September 2, is being held on Blackheath, off Shooters Hill, in London.

MELTDOWN: The Economic Crisis and the Climate Crisis

London is the epi-centre of global capitalism. If we want to stop climate change, we need to start here.

  • Can we stop climate change within a capitalist market economy? And if not, why not?
  • If the answer is no, then what kind of economic system might deliver environmental stability and a decent quality of life for all?  And how can we go about achieving it, given how powerful capitalism is as an ideology, and the time-frame within which we need to act to prevent runaway climate change?

Featuring Keir Milburn (Turbulence magazine) and three other speakers.

The workshop takes place on Friday August 28, 20:00-21:00 in the main marquee on site in Blackheath.

Full workshop timetable here.

Climate Camp Logistical Info

Directions | Map | Nearest Tube: Blackheath or Greenwich

Websites: Climate Camp | Indymedia | Guardian live-blog

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    Turbulence is a journal/newspaper that we hope will become an ongoing space in which to think through, debate and articulate the political, social, economic and cultural theories of our movements, as well as the networks of diverse practices and alternatives that surround them. Read more here

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